
Tilda Feeds make publishing daily news and blog posts easier and faster

Add, edit, and schedule posts inside the Feeds editor
Create categories (tags) for blog posts
Track your blog traffic
  • Easy News, Blog, Or Event Scheduling Updates
    Create and edit posts in a simple editor. No need to republish pages, as all saved changes go live instantly.
  • Unlimited Number Of Posts
    Although all Tilda subscription plans limit the number of pages to 500, you can add an unlimited number of posts to your feed.
    *Technical restriction 5 000 posts per feed
  • Several Newsfeeds On One Website
    For example, a school website can feature both a news feed and events calendar at the same time.
  • Easy To Edit
    A convenient editing workflow speeds up the production of blog posts. The block-based text editor has all the essential tools for designing blog posts: Image, video, quote, divider, introduction, heading, text, callout, and HTML code. These tools make blogging quick and easy.
Blog post editing panel. Adding a heading to the article.
  • Link To a Separate Web Page
    You can link a separate article or a Tilda web page to a post. Just add the link to the Feeds editor, and it will generate a new clickable post.
Adding a link to a web page
  • Image, Gallery, And Video
    Images and videos can be added anywhere in the post. You can resize the image and choose whether it is centered or left-aligned.
A sample post with a photo gallery
  • SЕО And Social Media
    A unique page is created for each post so that each blog post is indexed by search engines. Add a unique title optimized for SEO, description, or social network badge.
SEO settings in the control panel
  • Categories (Tags)
    Create categories according to the main topics for convenient navigation across your blog or newsfeed. Each post can belong to a number of categories or have several tags.
  • Dedicated Block Collection In the Library
    Choose your favorite block design in the "News and Feeds" category in the Block Library. The category contains linear and grid designs with a customizable number of columns.
  • Customizable Design
    Easily customize the look of each block. Choose how many posts to place in a row, whether to display a category or publication date, filter posts by date, and how many posts should be on a page.
Post category on top of the card with the publication date below
Publication date above the heading and a "Read more" button under the description
  • Planning And Scheduling
    Prepare posts in advance. Simply set a publication date in the future, and the post will be published automatically. You can also configure your event calendar to automatically hide old posts.
  • AMP and Turbo Pages
    AMP or turbo pages are opened instantly on mobile devices when navigating from search engines.
See the Demo Blog Featuring Posts With Categories
How To Set Up Feeds
Open the Block Library and select any block from the "News and Feeds" category. Go to the Content tab and click "Feeds" to access the Feeds control panel.
After creating blog posts, navigate back to the page editor and link the feed you want to use in the Content panel of the block.
Step-by-Step Guide:
  • 1
    Add any block from the "News and Feeds" category to the page. Open the Content panel of the block to manage feeds or select a ready-made feed you want to display on the page.
  • 2
    Go the Feeds control panel by clicking "Feeds" under Show Feed.
  • 3
    Click "Add post" and fill in the title field. Next, write a short description that will be displayed below the title in the post preview on the page.
  • 4
    Add a title, text, or image, and paste a link to a video. Change the order of blocks by dragging them with the mouse.
  • 5
    Assign a category, time, and visibility settings for each post and set up SEO parameters.
  • 6
    If necessary, replace the thumbnail image of the post. This comes in handy if you are aiming at creating a consistent look for your blog.
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From the First Post To a Successful Blog: Try Tilda Feeds For Daily Posting And Easy Blogging!
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